SeasideGlamour | Music
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Lifestyle, Music / 02.04.2017

David und ich haben schon lange immer mal wieder folgende Situation: David spielt gern Play Station und das natürlich mit Ton, ohne wäre ja irgendwie doof. Da wir aber in einer offenen Maisonettewohnung leben heißt das für mich, dass ich sein Spiel immer mit hören muss! Auch irgendwie doof...

Fashion, Music, Travel / 09.08.2015

Meeting the german blogger crew is always a pleasure as many of the most stylish and loveliest girls live near Cologne though we can't always see each other and it's at events and blogger meet-ups like SUMMERTHING last week we get to see each other again! My friend Louie aka somegoodspirits organized this Coachella-like blogger event for anyone who's interested in social media and fashion and she did an awesome job! The event included a blogger bazaar with brands like Paul's Boutique and Gioia, True Fruits and an ice coffee stand provided some cool drinks, mymuesli offered their most popular muesli...

Music / 07.06.2015

Neben meiner Schul- und Studienzeit habe ich jahrelang Radio gemacht und meine eigene Liveshow produziert. In dieser Zeit durfte ich von vielen Fachleuten lernen und eins habe ich mir Besonders zu Herzen genommen (zum Thema Interviewführung): Ein gutes Interview sollte sich zu einem Gespräch entwickeln und die Fragen, die man sich vorher als Gerüst erarbeitet hat, dienen dann nur noch als Leitfaden. Mein Interview mit Luca Vasta war eigentlich gar kein Interview, sondern ein tolles Gespräch unter Frauen. Von Mariah Carey über's Erwachsenwerden bis zum Träume verwirklichen, haben Luca und ich in elf Minuten "kurz mal" über alle wichtigen Themen geplaudert....

Music / 01.02.2015

As you may have seen on my Instagram already, I was so excited about meeting the beautiful and very talented Luca Vasta at the Barre Noire Show last week at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin. We did have some selfie action going on as you can see and I absolutely adore our photos! Hair everywhere was the most common feedback I received, but I have to admit I can see where it's coming from. Anyways, back to the topic of this blog post, which is dedicated to one of my favourite songs by Luca Vasta - Black Tears White Lies....

Music / 26.10.2014

Hey lovely people, I am introducing my song of the week for you! In case you didn't know I used to present my own radio show at University for more than four years. It was a weekly live show that I researched, produced and presented on FLY FM, Nottingham Trent's student radio station. I used to wanna become a presenter after my studies and to be honest I would still love to work in that field. Music is incredibly important to me and there's not a single day I don't listen to music. I wake up and put on my Spotify right away...

Fashion, Music / 14.08.2014

I have four more weeks until I will be participating in the semifinal of Face of Germany, which means I really have to hurry and get going on my workout! Best way to motivate myself into doing sports is wearing new sports clothes - simply because I cannot wait to go to gym or skate around a nearby lake to start wearing the new items! Now this bra top by Onzie is perfect for girls like me who have a smaller or average bust size, as this is a sports bra that runs on the tighter side. I love the cheeky back of the...

Music / 24.07.2014

So I used to have my own radio show for over 5 years while I was still in school and continued this on while I was at University in Nottingham. I have a very distinct music taste so my weekly live show concentrated on electro-pop and indie music. I can listen to anything that has a nice melodic, magical beat. The importance here being the word melodic and beat - ok and magical! I just noticed how difficult it is to write about music. But I will keep on trying...