SeasideGlamour | Special: Boyfriend Jeans
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Special: Boyfriend Jeans

How to wear Boyfriend Jeans? It’s one of those style questions I asked myself so many times, especially with a curvy figure like I have. I’m rather delicate above my hips. My bump and legs are very Beyoncé like… There’s times I love that and so many times I’d love to change everything about it. But I ‚ve come to embrace what I have and feel comfortable with it!

Clementine and me went to Zara the other day just to „look“ (of course we found some items too…) and we also tried on a pair of boyfriend jeans. We both looked dreadful! My mom on the other hand, who went with us, tried on a pair as well and looked amazingly in them.

I really think it’s about finding the right pair for you. To give you an example: my mom has super skinny legs – she tried on a very light pair with an even rinse and looked flawless! I on the other hand would have looked horrible just because of the light colour. For me, dark jeans are a go and with an even rinse I can also wear boyfriend jeans as my hips and bump will still look flattering. I’d definitely go with number 2 or 3. Even though I love the ripped version too, this would make me look huge again – and that’s surely not what I want.

I picked my three favourite styles from Asos for you below. Boyfriend jeans look great if paired with a super tight top or body in a plain colour. I personally love styling them with a black top and matching heels. Again, if you’re more of the skinny type Converse would look great on as well. I still prefer the heely version though 😉




Shop the denims

1. Brady Boyfriend Jeans / Vintage wash – here
2. Kimmi Shrunken Boyfriend Jeans / Frankie wash – here
3. Kimmi Shrunken Boyfriend Jeans / Rio Vintage wash – here

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